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Saturday, April 27, 2013


It's down to the last 10 days before my first paper of my FINAL EXAMS as a student (hopefully! PRAY) and it's so stressful. I am literally hugging the Buddha's leg already (some chinese idiom of last minute studying!) 

So Imma just gonna rant. I don't even know why I am studying something I don't like. And my brain just goes.. "WTH AM I READING @.@ ??" And I know it's not just me. Like alot of us... aren't we just studying what we are studying for the sake of it. Hoping that it will 'promise' us to a better future. But really?? After studying what I've been studying for the past 3 years, I am honestly more convinced than ever that this isn't what I actually like and what I foresee myself doing for the rest of my life. How many of us actually dared to pursue something that is really of your interest? I just feel like our lives are somehow 'directed' in the direction by what our folks/society wants - get good grades for your Math and Science (do you even use this in your everyday life!?), get into a Science Stream, get a Degree and eventually be an Accountant, a Teacher or whatever that is deemed more superior than say a... 'Fashion Stylist'. 

I still kinda stand by this quote which says:
'Do something you love and you'll never work a day'

So now... how many of us are actually doing something we love??

Sorry for the rant above and also the lack of blog updates recently!! Haven't been taking pictures because I have pretty much been 24/7 cooped up at home studying.. But still, here are a few makan places I been to!

Just a 1 minute drive from Jj's place is this tiny little gem hidden in the East. I LOVE THE FOOD SERVED HERE. Came here once for their lunch set and I vowed to come again to try the breakfast menu!! Although the Egg Benedict wasn't the best I've tried, but it's still good enough given the price! Love the sauteed mushrooms from Jj's breakfast set!

Situated inside Liang Court is this casual restaurant serving Italian/European/Western food! The food here is SUPER DUPER affordable.. Escargots for only $6.90 and most pasta are priced at the $5 range. No GST and service charge too! 

So after dinner, Jj and I walked around the mall, checking out the other restaurants available and I was quite shocked to realise ALOT of the other restaurants are also priced very reasonably as well! There are quite alot of Japanese restaurants there, so excited to head back there one day to try!!

Heh need I say more?? Everyone's favourite late hangout dimsum place! Love the chilled chicken in ??? sauce I can't remember the name lol. However, I find Swee Choon kinda pricey though~

One of my favourite chinese restaurant in Singapore!! The LorMee (Small bowl only $6, enough for 2 to share!!) is to die for (omg so shioookkk) and I particularly love the Lychee Sweet & Sour Pork!! Yummyzxz!!

And my newest discovery... LOKLOK BUFFET IN SINGAPORE!!! It's sooooo good leh but super sinful also. The satay dipping sauce is the bombzxz. I will do a proper blogpost for this really soon so do check back this space again ok!

K la last picture before I go!!
Please forget me notttttttt

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