You would have probably seen from my Twitter and Instagram pictures that I had my hair dyed recently... and also as my blog post title suggests... I AM NOW CONTRACTED TO SHUNJI MATSUO @ HV AS PART OF THEIR SPONSORED BLOGGERS!!! Reallllyyyy SO HAPPYYYY when I received the email from them!! I remember it was like one day after my CNOS2 competition.. So it was like double happiness! :D
So last Monday, I made a trip down to Shunji Matsuo Holland Village for my first hair-fix!
The salon is right beside the train station! SUPER CONVENIENT!
Vlog I took while dyeing my hair!
My before-hair!
So prior to the session, you will have a short discussion with your stylist (Hiro is my personal hairstylist @ HV!) on what hairstyle/dye etc you would want to do! I told him I wanted to do ombre hair colour since that's the in thing now!! And more specifically, I wanted purple-ish colour at the ends!
#TIP: It would be good if you have a picture of the hair style you would like to do. This was extremely handy for me since Hiro is an authentic Japanese so communicating might be a little more challenging. :p
Step 1:
Hiro put the Sherpa Treatment all over my entire hair. This is to protect your hair prior to any chemical treatments such as dye, perm and rebonding!
Step 2:
Dyed my entire hair base in COPPER shade!
Ooo say HI to Hiro!!
After waiting for a while, I had my hair washed. WASHING OF HAIR IS MY FAVOURITE PART! Like they'll gently wash ur hair and give your shiookkkk head massages etc!! So love!!
Step 3:
Had to bleach the ends of my hair 3 TIMES! :O
Bf was there too to accompany me! :)
Bleaching in progress~
Not wasting any time! Studying while waiting. lol
Me can haz angmoh hair lol lol
How do I look? ^^
Step 4:
Smack on the purple!!
They put on some treatment too while I was washing my hair (no photos!) and then blow dried my hair!
OMG SO PRETTY!!!!! :D Love it so much!
Wished I can have curls like this everyday though. I need to master the skill of curling!
Anyway the boyfriend said my hair now resemblances this little pony!
Picture with my stylist Hiro and the Manager of Shunji Matsuo Holland Village :)
Really satisfied with the end results! Alot of my friends said it was chioooo too! :D
Shunji Matsuo Hair Salon @ H.V
245A Holland Avenue, Singapore 278978
Tel: 6726088
Fax: 64686002
Opening Hours: 10.30-19.00 (Last Appointment)
Mention my name "shennyyang" to receive 10% discount on certain chemical treatments only at Shunji Matsuo HV!
* * *
Attended Shunji Matsuo x Shiseido Blogger Event @ Shunji Matsuo Ngee Ann City last Wednesday too!
Picture with Mr Shunji-san! So honoured to be able to meet him in person! :)
Finger Food provided!
Mr Akio giving a speech!
Mr Shunji-san briefing us on the latest trends in Japan!
Hair demonstration!
The 6 stylists who attended the event!
Then it was time to groom ourselves! Nao (International Director of Shunji Matsuo Ngee Ann City) did my hair for me!
Pretty hair colour & curls ^^
Haha Mr Shunji-san acting cute with me lol. Anyway he complimented that my hair was pretty! So happy!!
Eating while styling my hair!
And after Nao did some magic to my hair, it became...
Again, I wished I have such skills to make my hair pretty everyday!!
With Jessica aka Shiberty!
With Mel & Cindy!
Omg Cindy's hair so cute too!!
I was allowed to bring one blogger guest so I asked if the CNOS bloggers were interested! So many of them expressed interest.. in the end I had to do a 'lucky draw' and Ziwei was the lucky one!
Time to have my face done by Shiseido Makeup Professionals!
Purple eyeshadow to match my hair!
With my makeup artist and Ziwei :)
With May and Jamie! Omg they are so petite & skinny... :(
Pretty Shanice!
And finally last picture of the day, with Nadia aka Nadnut! :)
Before leaving, each of us had a goodie bag to bring home as well!
I was super excited to use these products when I took a peek of the goodie bag!
Anyway, I have been using the Shiseido Shampoo & Treatment for coloured hair and IT WORKS WONDER!!!! My hair was a lil dry after bleaching 3 times but these products are really life saviours!!
Thank you Shunji Matsuo & Shiseido!!
So happy and thankful for all these opportunities, and definitely all these wouldn't have been possible if no one reads my blog! I'll be holding a giveaway contest really soon so do keep a lookout for it :) Till then, I send my love!
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