Our meet up time was arranged at 6.30pm. Jasmine reached at 7pm and I reached at 7.30pm but the other 2girls were even later than us??? Hahahaha. Girls will always be girls~

OOTD! That's my cheapo $8 cream blazer from Platinum Bkk lol.

ME WANTS SOME SASHIMI NOW. Talking about jap food, my bf had Kurukuru buffet dinner just now and I AM DAMN JEALOUS. I had it once before and I really missed the food over there!! :'(

Group shot but damn fail. Hahaha.

&instagram pics I koped from them!

So after hanging out with the girls, I rushed off to meet Christinaaaaaa my lovely Tanggg! Miss this girl so much!

It was a very short meetup though, sucha pity! Can never run out of topics to talk to her! <3
Then le bf came to find me for our midnight movie "Dictator"!!! IT'S FREAKING HILARIOUS LAAA but the show was kinda short!

We were feeling rather hungry after the movie and headed to 126 at Geylang for dimsum!!!!

Hi baby why are you frowning?

And after knocking off from work last night, Matthew came over to pick Cheryl and I up for dimsum supper at Swee Choon!!

LOVE TALKING TO MATT. He's one of the best guys u can ever talk to, really.

Cheryl was busy the whole night texting (urhummm) while Matt and I were just busy gorging ourselves. NOW YOU GUYS KNOW WHY I GAINED SO MUCH WEIGHT.... I've been feasting like mad ever since I got attached. I need to start controlling. I am damn scared now I went for my 5km jog earlier on ~.~
Oh btw...

IT'S FINALLY TIME TO PACK THE LUGGAGE!!!!!!!! There's so many clothes I want to bring over but I guess my baggage limit would exceed, so I need to start filtering some clothes out.
Lastly, I wanna thank all my friends who took the time out to meet meeee!! <3 Love y'all!!! And also to Jingxuan who will be dropping by my place at 5am on Wed to send me off, so much love for you!!! Tata!
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