Zouk Nicky Romero X TGIW Superhero!

Off shoulder bandage top: FEP
Skorts: Neonmello
Heels: Taobao (been wearing it too often lol)
Last friday, I had an appointment with DRx for fillers touch-up and also to get some products for my skin! More about my visit in another post ^^ After which, met Huizhen and we headed to Zouk first!!
Yes fearless me, lol just did fillers and went to party. I was praying so hard no one would bang into my face hahaha. But well, this goes to show that there is almost NO downside for fillers. You can still do everything as per normal... even partying. Lol. Just gotta be extra cautious and careful :)
We arrived at Zouk at about 10pm (which is damn early for clubbing) to see this massive crowd...

It was just sooo C R A Z Y !!!!!
I was expecting a huge crowd since Nicky Romero was gonna be spinning that day.. but at 10pm?!!?
No I didn't foresee such a crowd at 10pm at all. Lol.
Was sooo afraid there won't be any guestlist for my friends and I but luckily Adeline came to my rescue!! *thankful*

Karx me Frans Huizhen Stef!

Adeline, Frans and I.
Adeline is the COOLEST and craziest mummy ever... (yes she has a 9 year old daughter!!) LOL.
It's always fun to have her around!

Finally 1.30am and Nicky Romero started spinning...
Arrived at Zouk dancefloor to see this crowded dancefloor~

WHATTTT. Packed like sardines!!!
Then Adeline told William to bring us to the dj console area~
We were all so EXCITED cuz we thought we could dance at the dj console that night.. and the dj was Nicky Romero~ Well... we managed to make it up to the console for 5 MINS before we told that we can't do so that night since it's a guest dj :( SAD

Managed to snap a picture at the console before leaving..
Focus is not on any one of us... but THE GUY BEHIND ME.
HOLYYYY THE GUY BEHIND ME IN THE PICTURE IS NICKY ROMERO!!!!!! Omg I should have asked him for a picture... :(

Everyone like whipping out their camera/phone to snap a pic of Nicky Romero!

It was a fun night with my girlies tho we left early cuz Frans died and we had to send her home~
Supper with Stef and bf before heading home!

This was actually rather long ago~ During halloween period!
31st Oct, the actual halloween day happened to fall on a Wednesday which means... TGIW!!

I was dressed as Marilyn Monroe~
Decided to remove the signature Marilyn Monroe's mole on my face in the end cuz I didn't quite like it...

We were initially there for the DIVA Dracula event!
Thank you Frans for inviting me!!

They told us they actually ensemble this outfit themselves!? So talented~

Bumped into Audrey who was dressed as a Wonderwoman!

I feel so stuffy and hot for them~~
Yup and if you're wondering how I got to know Adeline mummy...
We somehow bumped into her that day and made friends with one another!

Sometimes, partying is a great way to socialise and make more friends :)
And btw, don't you think Adeline kinda has 'Zhong Qing' vibes?? Lol!

With Agri (left) and my cousin, Colin on right!
Colin is super cool... he's a hair stylist in Sg before moving to New York to further his business. Some of his clients include Paris Hilton and Chris Brown.... SO PROUD OF HIS ACHIEVEMENTS!! lol
Anyhow, how we bumped into each other that night was quite funny...
Like I walked past him.. and went backwards and asked..
Me: Are you my cousin?
Colin: No
Me: Huh don't lie. U look like my cousin!! COLIN???
Colin: Zixuan???
-.-''' LOL fancy saying that he's not my cousin and yet knows my chinese name. lol
How many of us are able to find a job we love doing? I really envy such people because they clearly know what they want to do. They work towards it and achieve their dreams.
"Do something you love and you never have to work a day." That's something I am still in search of..

Before someone come and bash me up again and say I anyhow let guys hug me.. I say first again.
The guy is my COUSIN. Plz don't think otherwise.

Dingxuan! Super cute~

Harald (zouk photographer) and Dj Ghetto!

Zouk rapper and Sofie!




Spot me camwhoring with Van at the back~ Lol

Who's going???? :D
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