On the Eve of Christmas Eve:

Early X'mas prezzie from the loverboy!!! :)

Shoes I bought for him as prezzie! Of cuz, I made him return 2bux back to me so he wouldn't run away. LOL
Sis also dropped by home and gave me my X'mas present!!

AND IT'S A CUTE HK BREAD CUTTER!!! *dying of cuteness*

And say hello to this cute little boy!!!

To town with bf to snap some pictures!!

These 2 pictures feel like I am overseas right!!!

TOWN WAS MAD CROWDED. Mad crowded.......

Free Photobooth corner!!

And I am sure most would agree with me that the lightings in Orchard Road sucks this year. Pretty much feels like celebrating Chinese New Year, no?? Still prefer the decorations to be silver, blue and gold cuz it feels damn enchanted!!

Awww got the Christmassy feeling man!!!
And I think the nicest decorations were the ones outside Orchard Central!!



Camwhore maxxx I know hahaha
Ended off the night by eating Steamboat for dinner!

And we ate till like 1++am hahaha. Glutton are us. :O
Christmas Eve:

It was my last day of work at TENC as a part timer since I really don't have the time to commit anymore!! Abit sian right that there's still work on a X'mas Eve! Luckily it was only half day so I ended work at 1pm. :D Anw, some X'mas prezzies from the colleagues and the Jasmine Pearls Tea are from Jj's Mummy!! :)

Presents for my 2 sisters + Stef and Karx!
Met Stef and Karx at night to countdown together to Christmas!!

The whole town was crazy, with everybody spraying foam and other disgusting stuff onto random passerbys.

We finally made it out after quite some time to snap pictures. And after taking this picture, 3 guys came to us in an attempt to spray us yknow!!!!!!!!!! Seriously these kinda people never die before :@

And when u have 3 girls taking pictures together.... it's really never ending~

After chilling and taking truckloads of pictures, I headed over to Jj's place because I left the poor lil boy all alone on a Christmas Eve!! FELT SO BAD :(

And he gave me my Christmas card!!

My card to him VS his to mine!
Christmas Day:

Lunch with Family!!!

Dylan can't stop admiring his new socks that I gave to him!!!


And the theme was....

Each and everyone of us had our very own Running Man Tshirt and a nametag to stick at the back of the tee!!

Catered food which was sooo yummy!!

We were splitted into 4 different teams for the Team Mission!

Inhaler for me cuz I had an asthma attack the previous night :(
So anyway this was Team Game 1:

We were supposed to tear off the hand-chains of the other teams!!
Jj team and mine were allies so we tried to get rid of the other teams first!

Haha but in the end... I saw an opportunity to tear off Jj's hand chain because they were unaware of me. LOL He kept calling me a betrayer after that game the whole night. LOL

Amd of cuz, my team got first for that round!!
Team Game 2: Photobombing

The camera was placed up on the stairs so we were supposed to jump and all 3 members must be captured on the screen with our faces smiling.


And the rest continue to vie for 2nd, 3rd and 4th position...
Team Game 3: Drawing

First person draws --> second person looks at the drawing and tries to replicate a similar one --> third person tries to guess what's the drawing about.


Waiting for our next mission~
Team Game 4:

Previously after every round, we were allowed to pick 2 numbers. So in total we had 6 numbers. In game 4, we were supposed to equate these numbers to form 1.

The mathematical signs were already all hidden and placed inside the room and outside at the bbq pit area so we were to look for 8 of them which would allow us to form an equation that results in 1.

Mad chaotic everyone snatching each other's signs...

Kevin snatched mine away too!!! :'(

Equally chaotic...

SADLY, we didn't win this round!!!!

Throwing folded vanguard I supposed on folder paper to make the folded paper flipped!
Individual Game 2: 1 Legged Chicken

The match between Terence and JQ. Look at the vast difference in supporters lol lol!! JQ only had his gf while Terence had all the guys supporting!!

In the end... TERENCE LOST.

And everyone had to do push ups as forfeit!!

The 3 catchers

If you've watched running man before, you would know that catchers would have a bell on their feet so that the runners would know that we are nearby when we run and walk around!

The runners! And among them, there are 2 spies. HAHA

Terence running away from the catchers~

It was damn tiring to run so most of the time I was like patrolling around... and then when the catcher needs help to tear off the name tag, I would appear just in time to tear while the other catcher grabs hold of the runner. HEHEHE

Runner and Catcher struggling before I appeared to END OFF THE POWER STRUGGLE. bahaha
At the end of everything... Qianhui even presented Certificates for us!!!!!!!


Group picture once again!

Jj and I got the 2 free Movie Vouchers and popcorn voucher!! AWESOMEXZX
Christmas Gift Exchange:

Junfeng got me my HK 2013 organiser!! The exact same one as my 2012 except that the cover is different!
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