
Spotted a really REALLY super cute vintage car!!
It was our 3rd monthsary on Saturday and we decided to have lunch at Antoinette since I've always wanted to try it!

Gnocchi Cabonara. It's SOOOO GOOD and so damn sinful!!!! But it's really great!!

Jj's Antoinette's Breakfast set!

Look at those poached eggs!! Perfectly done~ Yumzyumz!

And it's desserts time!

We really wanted to try the Earl Grey Chocolate Cake but it was all sold out already :( so the waiter recommended Chloe to us but I didn't think it's really fantastic :(

Pretty pretty!

We ordered the earl grey macaron instead since the person said it tasted the same as the cake. And we really loved it!! Gosh wished I could try the cake....


Love love the ambience!

OOTD! And yea... the poster is reminding me that I NEED TO BE ON A DIET!!
Walked around Cine after eating and then we went to Jj's maternal family gathering! They were all so friendly and nice towards me and I can't be more grateful for that! :) Spent a long time exploring his uncle's house garden cuz it's sooooo big and pretty, I was like telling Jj there's so many spots at the garden to take outfits. LOL. Okay dokey that's all from me!
Till then, blog soon! :)
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