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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Met B to go town on Friday since it was a non school and work day for me.. it was to spend our 43rd together too :)

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hehe i like this picture somehow although the background is fugly.

And then i was craving for Korean BBQ food, like the ones i had in the States. Awww it was cheap and SOOO GOOOOOOOOD!!!!! Kind of difficult to find nice Korean BBQ buffets in SG i feel. It's either overpriced or they have really bad reviews.. BUT we managed to find this place called 2D1N Soju Bang near Tanjong Pagar Road!

It's buffet style, 22 bux/person only after GST and Service Charge! :)

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hehe baby made this for me and stuff it into my mouth :(


The buffet was not too bad! The only bad thing is that you will really smell like u've just been to a korean bbq dinner.... hrrruummpptt the smell is really a big turn off. But i wouldnt mind going back for more just that maybe i wouldn't wear my fav clothings teehehhe.

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left side got spasm, right side just want to gek and hao lian muscles!

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Ohhh and i love my new hello kitty mirror hehee!! Sch's starting tmr already, am excited! Miss my friendsssssss and of cuz, can't wait for results to be out so i know where i stand and how i've fared. Plzzzz let me pass ibm pleaseeee even though i haven't been putting much effort in it.... :(

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