Volleyball Gathering :)

Thanks sweetie for the Sunflower :D


'03 batch!


-.- LOL -.-
And these were taken the other day when i was bored during work...

BUT oh well, might be changing work to work in... FROLICK!!! haha actually, i applied frolick like LONG AGO, but they did not get back to me. So i accepted another offer which is my current job. So last week, i got a call from Frolick, stef got the call too so we went down for interview tgt! And omg, u should have seen the number of girls who went for interview!!! =.= So we thought our chances were slim... but!!!! Both of us got in tgt!!!! Double yayness :D
So anyway..... met stef the other day after my work to cut my hair!!!! I think the last time i cut was.... 1 year ago?? LOL~

Me giving my :O faceee.... "My hairrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~"

I was like :( and stef said i looked like monkey.. so i :) instead. lol

My new hair!! Nice??????? My hair is SO short now... though still below my shoulder. SIGH~ But nvm! Cuz my hair is so healthy now!! And free from split ends! hurhurhur~

Oh and btw....
I MISS U BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to see u tmrrrrrr!!!
This entire week is like so damn jam-packed! Having Frolick training early in the morning tmr, then work.. Friday gonna celebrate my 20th birthday with bf and Sat... TAIWAN already!!!!! Haven even have the time to pack my luggage!! -.~ Will be back soon with more pictures! :) Luv u all!
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