Last last friday, I went ahead with our plans to redang against all odds; I was having a super high fever of 38.8 degrees, my parents were objecting against this trip because I wasn't even fit in the first place to go diving, and the bus journey there is like a whooping 10hours ride and they are afraid I wouldn't be able to take it. On top of all these, I was actually still under MC and am not quite supposed to leave the state.......................... tsk, SSSSSSSHHHHH!!!
But we had already paid for the coach to Redang, I asked Five Stars if we could push it back and say leave a couple of days later, and they gave crap nonsense and said we cant do that, only can bring forward the date but not push back. Like... ???!! What logic is that!! And they did not allow refunds too because it was simply too last minute.... argh :( So well, yup we decided to go ahead with our vacation, which i was glad we did because I was like resting at home for the past 1week plus and I wasn't even recovering in the slightest bit la... in fact i think it got even worst.
I was popping panadols the whole day in hoping my fever would go down. I was so afraid they will like screen you and have your temp taken at the checkpoint, and if they finds out that I am having fever, its gone case man I doubt I would even get to JB. tsk!
I got so much better after reaching Redang, its like.......... just stepping into the island, and hours ltr, I wasn't having any fever, no headache, just cough and flu. I bet its those fresh air there and......... I dunno??? But in any case, I really felt SO MUCH better there then when I was in SG. :)
So anyway, after a rather torturing 10hours ride from SG, we arrived at Merang Jetty!!! :)

There, we waited for like an hour for our speedboat to arrive. Whoo i didn't know that some resorts actually did not provide free transport from Merang jetty into redang island itself (and vice versa)! Glad that the resort i was staying provided it! Otherwise imagine topping up an additional amount of 100RM just to get to Redang island.
Journey on the speedboat to Redang was like another 30mins ride. I used to enjoy this ride back when i was here the other time, but not this time round cuz i was feeling kind of terrible. Like... seasick?? Felt giddy, but not to the extent of vomitting though. Argh that feeling suckzzz.

Us on the speedboat, me looking rather, or not, SUPER sickoooo.
And yay, we arrived at Redang Island!!! Was so happy to see the familiar surroundings, and of cuz not forgetting, my dear friend KING!!!! :D

dive centre

This is my gooooooodfriend King!!!!
We got our keys for the room, settled down yada yada, had our buffet lunch, and Yj started his diving course almost immediately!
Wasn't fit enough to dive during the first day so i was perpentually rotting on the island........ face-booking 24/7.

OMG look at how fair and pale my face is.............. I have sucha super sick face can?!

Gearing up for his first confined "pool" session! "Pool" because, confined sessions are usually held in swimming pools, and in Redang, the so called "pool" session is actually right in the sea itself, just that it's at the shore, and go up to a maximum of 5m.

Glaring noonday sun!

Whooo loving the colour tones of the sea!

We had our BBQ Buffet dinner @ the resort and that kind of sums up our Day 1!
Day 2:

Whooooo day 2 saw me jumping around happily, totally not behaving like a sick child wheee!!! :)
Ok i admit i was still sick (sinus).... but i guess i was alright to do some dives??? tsk!

Us putting on our weight belts. One thing i hate about diving is having to put that freaking weight belt around our hip. One - its very heavy. Two - it sits on the hip bones. And to top of that, after gearing everything up, we have to carry that freaking god knows how many kilograms worth of tank, and the tank kinds of put more pressure on the weight belt, which in turns presses against ur hip bone and the result of it is just very very pain..............................
Ok la maybe at least it only happens to me because i have very wide hip bones so maybe that's why...


Wearing my flipperxxzzsss

me acting cute x1

me acting cute x2

After B did all his stunts (i mean tests required of him to perform), we went for the real diving - exploring the House Reef!!

Photo of a Bumphead Parrot Fish.
We were quite lucky to be able to see a school of bumphead parrot fish!! King was telling me to see them, we gta like do a dive early in the morning at 7am!!! And we did the dive at like 1pm??? Boy i was so happy!! The picture kind of potray it as a rather small fish but its not ok!! It's like.... say..... 2.5feet? And it was a whole school of 2.5feet bumphead parrot fish!!

Photo of a Moray Eel.


TADAAAAAAA IT'S A GROUPER!!!! yknow.......... the very delicious delicacy often served in chinese restaurant. It was so HUGE!!! It's at least 4feet i swear!

Nemo Nemo~

Me blowing out all my muscus i guess, or either that, i was equalizing.

Me with my famous "SHRIMP" postition. If u're a diver yourself, u should know that normally the posture of ur body should be like straight right, like almost 180degrees. I dont know why but i always have this very weird posture, my legs are always 90degrees to my body. Get what i mean? Further accompanied by the posture of ur hands (put it straight), i kind of look like a shrimp.... :(
King kept annoying me with that la, saying Redang got a new species, 'human shrimp'.... tsk! Even my sis's bf dont call me shenny/xuan or whats not, he calls me 'shrimp' cuz we went diving tgt last yr and he was making fun of my posture as well....... :( HAI~

After resting like 1hr from the first dive, we did our 2nd dive, this time round a boat dive.
But too bad i had to give up the dive halfway, ok not even halfway, it was like after 5mins because sinus was being such a bitch!!! It was so pain i couldn't equalize properly, my ear hurts, my forehead hurts everywhere was just so pain so in the end i forgo the dive and went up first. :<

Us going for our boat dive which i gave up after 5mins~

omg like super tired after just 1dive. Dont know why, diving makes u exhuasted. Diving 3times a day can make u sleep right on the dot 9pm till the next day can??

Then we headed to the beach to take some shots.

such ugly feet can only belong to guys!

Then came evening time, we decided not to eat the buffet dinner provided by our resort. Instead, we went to summer point to have our dinner!!! Whooo i remembered how nice the food was (based on past experience), this time round, it was equally nice. But sad thing is.... i cant taste any single shit.
But from what B says, and judging from the happiness on his face during the dinner is enough to tell how good the food was! Sucha pity!!! There was chicken in dunno what sauce, cereal prawns (damnnnnn nice based on experience), butter sotong (recommended by king, my first time trying it but couldnt taste anything :<) and vegeee!!!! It's so damn frustrating ok to be not able to taste anything.... like yknow the food is tasty and nice but u just CANNOT taste ANYTHING. Only know its spicy/salty/sweet/bitter, but don't have the tastiness.... arggghhh so yucky!!

After dinner, we were still feeling o-k-a-y so we decided to take night shoots!!!! :D

Angel VS Devil

What supposingly be a heart, turned out like an apple =.=



I LOVE U!!!!
So that was day 2 for u!
Day 3:

We forgo our buffet lunch provided by the resort again (because abit sick of the food) and settled down somewhere which i love to eat at too!!! Because they have super nice ABC (ice-kachang) for u!!

Argh deliciousssssssss food once again but cannot taste, damn sad :(

Photos from B's boat dive which i didn't get a chance to do:

Pufferfish, but not puffed up yet. tsk!

Part of the stingray family but i just dont know the name of this fish.......... anyone who knows it??
Blue dotted stingray???

school of mini barracuda


Lizard of the sea
Then something funny happened during the dive, this fish kept following B around and kept nibbling his calf. And this fish is the kind that follows turtle/tortise/sharks one lor!!!
This fish must be thinking B is a turtle with that huge tank on him - acting like the shell!

oOOoOO? I see u, u see me, OooOOoo

Then after his boat dive, we went for another shore dive again because the other day i was snorkelling near the shore there, i had so much muscus in my nose so i was clearing them out. Surprisingly one whole big school of fishes swam towards me, hanging around me, eating away my phelgm!!!
But anyhowz, i was attracted by them!!! So it made me wanna feed them with roti so i did one more shore dive and brought roti bread along! tsk!

Visibility of the water not very good ah~~~ monsoon season yao lai liao!!

And king did one amazing thing under the water............ he drank.... RIBENA!!!!!
Like............................... how on earth to drink it while under water right?????!!!! Then he handed me his ribena and asked me to try but being a very timid person, of cuz i refused. I was afraid of drinking the sea salt water instead of the ribena, and drinking in the water means that i gotta take out my regulator from my mouth, den ltr genna choke, panic, i shoot up to surface, ltr shoot up to fast, lungs expand too fast, my ears never equalize properly, den when shoot up, ears bleed, nose bleed and worse if lungs burst right!!!
So of cuz i refused la!!
Then B tried and he gave me the "very nice, delicious look!!!!" so i tried it too. And amazingly, i didn't drink any sea water, i could taste the sweet sweet ribena taste. It was nice and i didnt get choke too, so HENG~ ah!

Best, i still dont understand how on earth can someone open his/her eyes in sea water. like.... BEST.

(fish eat my head away)

Then came night time, i wanted to go clubbing but B wanted to sleep. But below, they were like freaking blasting all the R&B music and i was so tempted to go..................... until they played the music...
ok la they played.......... FIRE BURNING.... WHOOHOOO!!
I quickly changed and like ran out of the room and fly to the pub below hahahahahahaa so comical, then reach there, sit down and never dance because like stupid right i dance myself, dance alone. =.=
Day 4:
Sad that its time for us to leave this island of such carefree life! Sigh~~~

While on the way walking to our Five Stars coach, there were lots of vendors along the Merang Jetty selling stuffs.... then B went to buy me this NEMO fish!!!
Ah so sweet right, because he knows i must like hug something to sleep. So evident from the overflowing of pillows and plushies on my bed. teehheeee.
But the nemo he got for me, the face was like deformed???? It look kinda weird, everytime i see it, i feel like boxing it!

Ok so that pretty sums up our 4D3N in Redang.......................
Wow sucha lengthy post..... If u've managed to get this far, omg THANKIEW!!!
And to end of this post, i shall present to u all....

(ok this one is supposed to be animated with a series of photos.... but how come not animated!!! I can view the animated one when i am doing the blog post, but it seems to be not working when i published the post. WHY?!?!)
P/S EDIT: Is it animated already?? It is right?????
Ok i shall end here, feeling hungry. Shall go buy my fried slice fish soup soon!!!
Bye~ I love u all!!! <3
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