Hehe think im quite evil. I just went to key in those email address of those deadbuyers in friendster!!! Ha, NOW I KNOW HOW U LOOK LIKE. If i ever see yguys on the street, im gonna roll my eyeballs at you!!!! o.O

Guess who's he!!! Well actually I dont know his name too, but he's the person responsible for part of the filming of Titanic (the part where they show the real titanic that was being devour by the sea). Man... I wonder how deep they gotta dive to reach the Titanic can.
The other time when i dived 28metres down, i surfaced with bleeding nose. =.=

SSI!!! Where i got my diving license from ;) hehe met my diving instructor at the booth! :p

ooOooO Helicopter!! Costs a whooping $50,000 to learn to fly the helicopter! $.$


Maigod I luv this yacht!!!! Money money money......

And then we head over to see a showflat for this condo - Reflection.
The 4-room flat condo, is really pretty and huge and grand and whatever. It doesn't looks like is a 4-room to me ok, cuz its damn huge. Guess the price......
Even if i had 9million, i would rather buy a land myself and build a bungalow or something la! Why stay in a CONDO?! Its nuts. -.-

Feeling quite lazy to blog with words. Teeheee.
Anyway, check this out! Kind of find this interesting :O
1. Throat - An artistic temperament, successful.
2. Chest - Lazy, unsteady, quarrelsome, financially unsound.
3. Breast (right) - Indolent, intemperate.
4. Breast (left)-Active, energetic.
5. Nipple - Fickle and unfaithful.
6. Ribs (right) - Insensitive, cowardly.
7. Ribs (left) - Lazy, humorous.
8. Navel - Great good fortune.
9. Abdomen - Voracious, intemperate and self-indulgent. Should marry someone placid.
10. Hips - Resourceful, valiant and over-amorous.
11. Loins - Mendacious.
12. Groin (right) - Ill health.
13. Groin (left) - Frail.
14. Thigh (right) - Wealth and a happy marriage.
15. Thigh (left) - A warm temperament.
16. Knee (right) - Friendly disposition and happy marriage.
17. Knee (left) - Rash, extravagant, ill-tempered but good business sense.
18. Leg (right) - Energetic and preserving.
19. Leg (left) - Lazy.
20. Ankle - A sharing nature, a sense of humor.
21. Heel - Mentally and physically active. Should beware of making enemies.
22. Foot (right) - Loves traveling.
23. Foot (left) - Thoughtful and gloomy; prefers a sedentary life.
24. Instep - Athletic, quarrelsome.
25. Neck - Many ups and downs. Should be frugal.
26. Shoulder blades - Unhappiness.
27. Shoulder (left) - Easily satisfied.
28. Shoulder (right) - Prudent discreet, faithful and restless.
29. Armpit (left) - Good fortune won by hard work.
30. Armpit (right) - Struggles against heavy odds.
31. Arm (right) - Adversity in early life, contentment in old age.
32. Arm (left) - Courteous, industrious.
33. Elbow - Great talent, great desire to travel.
34. Wrist or hand (right) - Frugal, successful in business.
35. Wrist or hand (left) - Ingenious, artistic.
36. Finger - Dishonest, prone to exaggerate, unable to face reality.
37. Back - Frank with an inquiring mind. Should be cautious.
38. Buttocks - Total lack of ambition.
39. Stomach - Glutton
Moles on the middle of the forehead reveal a bad-tempered disposition and potential cruel nature. Such people should guard against accidents in their middle age.
Mole on the left temple indicates a tendency to be spendthrift and horsetrong. The person should try to live a quite life.
Mole on the right temple indicates exceptional ability. The person should guard against illness in later life.Mole on or near the eyebrows belongs to preserving person who is happy in marriage. This person bewares of lightening and food poisoning.
Mole on or near the corner of the eye. An honest and forthright person who needs to be loved.
Mole on inside and outside of the ear. The person has wealth and fame but tends to be reckless.
Mole on the left cheek. A serious, studious and struggling person.Moles on the right cheek promise a successful life after marriage.
One mole on each cheek indicates success after hard struggle.Mole on the upper side of the nose denotes lust and extravagance.
Moles on the left side of the nose (middle) indicate a changeable nature. An untrustworthy but lucky person who should be bewares of falls.Moles on the right side of the nose (middle) shows a great traveling urge, an outdoor occupation involve plenty of movement.
Mole on the tip of the nose indicates a sincere friend though very outspoken.A mole on the nostrils is a sign of a rover.
Mole on the lips signifies greed but benevolence.
Mole on the lower lips shows a quiet and studious nature. Good fortune is indicated in later life.
Moles on the chin show conscientious, common sense and artistic ability. These people make the best of any opportunities and improve a lot with age.
Mole on the left lower jaw indicates a critical nature. Beware of ill health.Mole on the right lower jaw shows danger. You should beware of fire and water in your youth.
On a side note, I really cannot tolerate DEADBUYERS. Yguys ownself leave a comment and claim u guys want this and that, and deal is 100% confirmed, but yet when its time for payment, where the hell did u all vanished to!? I mean, if at the end u decided not to purchase, it would not kill u just to inform me right.. Urgh, damn irritated. And those "last piece" have been dangling there for days can.. Lesson learnt: I will not buy so much pieces per design anymore!
I rather have people asking if backorder is available rather than having excess stocks.
pixed off bye
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