Pretty Stephanie, she was sooo stunning last night!! :)

Omg and I got to know Su Ann!! She's sooooo pretty &such a nice girl, all of us felt so inferior lol!
But it was really great talking to her and we really had quite alot of common topics to talk about. And to bitch about. LOL.

Cheryl on the left, I think she looks damn zai when she's driving the car.
Another new friend on the right, Charmaine!


I went for......... SIA INTERVIEW!!!
Actually I was sort of there to accompany Jac, but I didn't mind trying out for the experience!! Flying has always been one of my dream since young!!! So anyway.... I know chances of me getting in quite low luh uh ;( Everyone came in business wear + heels, whereas I was in a smart casual dress + pumps. I felt so under-dressed. Furthermore I'll only graduate next year May???? Even if I do get in, what are the chances that SIA would wait >1year for me right! But still I went ahead to try. I was just so SHOCKED :O :O :O at the number of people who went for the interview! And alot of them are actually not 1st timers... So the first round was the group interview round! 10 to 2 interviewers, pretty intimidating I feel. And I heard this is the round that most people would be eliminated. THANK GOD I GOT IN. I WAS SO HAPPY I SWEAR I WAS JUMPING WHEN MY NAME WAS CALLED. Hahahahah then Jacinda's name was called as well.... HAPPY 2 FRIENDS!!! Went on for the height clearance.. passed. Until the qualifications round.. where I had to declare i'm only graduating next year.. and I was rejected. Though I saw it coming, it still kinda upset me somehow when she wrote 'Reject' on my application form ;( Now I have 10months to spam bird nest/masks and attend facial sessions religiously since the 'skin round' is pretty strict I heard... I really pray and hope the next time round that I'm gon try, I'll get through the 1st round of interviews again!!In any case, this has just been such a great experience. I am SOOOO HAPPY I went for it!! Made a few new friends as well!! :D Everything's just going so incredibly well recently I am actually quite satisfied! The old friends who came back into my life, the new friends I made. Teeheehee. I hope all of you had an awesome weekend cuz I sure did! Can't wait for steamboat tmr, nomznomznomz. :)
When will you tell us how the SIA interview went and if you get the job???
When will you tell us how the SIA interview went and if you get the job???