This was on Friday when we had our dinner at Hatched!

Hatched is an egg-inspired all day breakfast cafe!

Cute menu!

And i had work at frolick, as usual...

Hee Vanneza tying my hair for me :D


Apple products are too cool!! All the photography apps (Y)
Then on Sunday night, Sis and I attempted to bake cupcakes... at 12am!! Hahaha what a timing right! tsk

Please ignore the empty hole there cuz we couldn't resist the temptation of trying the chocolate cupcake..
Hahaha it was definitely so fun playing around... we ended up laughing till we teared cuz the cupcake tasted weird + JUST LOOK AT OUR ICING DECORATIONS!! Hahhaha right bottom angrybird looks deformed. Angry bird pig looks like Shrek to me. AND CHECK OUT THE HELLOKITTY YOZZ.. hahaha totally looks like a dog to me lol!!!
Stayed over at Sis's house that night and ended up with a flu when i woke up the next morning... and i'm still having flu till now :(
Well then my whole of Monday was just spent studying together with the boy. :D and eating. And looking through old pictures of ours and go ~.~ HAHAHA. not forgetting re-watching some videos of us. Totally cracked us up.
So that's how i spent my long weekend thanks to the Hari Raya Haji Holidays!
Now it's time to hit the books again~~
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