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Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 resolutions

Gosh..... how time flies!!!! It's already the last day of 2010! Not the BEST year i would say, but then again, a few good things happened like..

1) my 3rd anni with B!
2) B won MR SMU! LOL~
3) My sis finally came back to Singapore for good!
4) i went to Bangkok again!!! (hahahaha)
5) My 1st trip to Taiwan
6) I started Uni, and made a few awesome friends!
7) I started working in Frolick and met many awesomee pretty girlsssss!
8) A year my age finally hit the digit 2.... mehhhhh~ :(
9) Started to model for robotninjas!
10) Had an interview and a published online article about me!
and the list goes on...

Ok here comes my 2011 New Year Resolutions!!! (very cheesy but stilllllll, i'll do it)

1) Save $$$
2) Pass my final exams with superb grades!!! (like 4 distinctions??)
3) Maybe.... get a driving license?
4) Get to travel Korea (& find my korean penpal!!!!!!)
5) Bangkok again?? :p
6) Plan an awesome 21st birthday party! (& dont invite people i dont like hahahaha)
7) Get a camera
8) Lose at least 2kg
9) Treat my family and bf nicer
10) Restrict my spending on clothes (!!!!) for real!!!!

Last but not the least, HAPPY 2011 EVERYONEEEE!!!
Cant wait for the party tonight! I hope it's good! :)

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