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Wednesday, September 01, 2010

School and Work


School's been a bitch! Hate having lessons at 8.30am everyday!!! like seriously!!! I gotta wakie up at 6am everyday you know! damnn!! It feels like JC all over again :( Maths lecture been quite terrible, IBM disastrous and econs, screwed. POA so far has been the best all thanks to my bf who has been testing me credit debit credit debit every single time we meet. Been tied up with work too. I wanna get my friggin nametag, not like a trainee tag! I wanna break out from the unfertilised egg stage and move on to hatchling, i wna be a chick!!!! Motherhen sounds cool but too old :( I have damn alot of work to catch up, like POA, 5 business management essays and 5 econs questions to do, i think i will just die. I have no idea how to start and when to start. Just feel like nuaing and lazing around. But i cant.let.that.happen ok!!! Wanna ace my year 1 and impress everyone who's been looking down on me! Today i been to SIM library for the first time ever and it scares me to see how many of my same lecture group mates mugging inside! damn stress wazzup man!! And today in school, a girl came up and asked "Are you Pierre's girlfriend??" OMG this is getting freaky. Time check 12.20am gotta head to bed soon, it's gonna be a brand new day tmr!

Oh anw i love my new friends!!! All damn pretty right!!!!
Oh yes i know how damn incoherent this entry is ;p
Oh ya am working for Frolick event in SMU on wed 1-8pm! :)

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